Canvas Prints

Canvas Prints


Canvas Prints

We believe your favourite digital photos can become great piece of wall art for your home. Nothing is quite like being surrounded by those wonderful memories that have been captured. from photos of family holidays to weddings and children playing a photo canvas is a great way to re-live these add warmth and character into your home. Here at Colorgrafix we create canvas prints in store normally within 48 hours, using the latest inkjet technology on our 44" Epson printer we can create stunning canvases from your favourite images.

Have your image wrap around the edge of the canvas, or finish with a white or coloured edge. All prints come ready to hang in the size you want with wooden stretcher available from 10" to 40".

We also offer our Pro Box Art Canvas Prints, printed to the same high specification using Glicee Inks put wrapped around a cardboard box frame, these are available in 5 sizes being easy to hang and look really stunning.

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